Fun Facts

  1. Despite the fact they are called guinea pigs, they are not from the country Guinea, neither are they related to pigs.
  2. If you happen to have or have had a pet Guinea pig, you might have noticed they sometimes lick their paws then rub them onto their face.
  3. The other name for a guinea pig is a cavy. This is a shortened version of their official name, Cavia porcellus.
  4. Guinea pigs originally come from the Andes mountains
  5. The life span of these lovely furry creatures lays between 4 and 7 years. The better they are looked after the longer they will live.
  6. There are lots of different names for baby guinea pigs but mainly they are called either piglets, piggies or pups
  7. Did you know that guinea pigs can have baths? You’ve probably already seen the things about the Bathtime which Bubble and Squeak dread …………….( If you’ve not look above . )